Our Emerging Nations Development Project

As the novel coronavirus takes wind around the world, the world has been forced to change. Internationally, policies and business development related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are beginning to be actively implemented. 

How about in Japan? 

Do you feel that Japan is starting new undertakings ahead of other countries? It is no longer feasible to think only in terms of domestic business development. 

Join us (Columbus Ltd;) in new ventures that utilizes business to improve the world alongside friends from around the world. 

Is Japan really ok?

We will not rehash Japan's economic history, but as you know, Japan experienced "rapid economic growth" and "bubble economy" in the 75 years after the war and has grown significantly.  

Can we say with confidence that the Japanese economy has shown significant recovery even one time  after the collapse of the "bubble economy?"

It is said to be "the lost decade" but that saying will change to "the lost 20 years," "the lost 30 years," and even "the lost 40 years." During 2020, Japan and US stock prices have enjoyed sharp rises amidst the corona storm, but how is economic sentiment? 

Even with the increase in stock prices, most feel none of the effects in everyday business life. Simply put, it is no longer plausible to think with a "only in Japan" mentality. 

If this is the case, let's venture overseas. Overseas still has many business opportunities!   

What is happening in Japan now?

How do go about learning business? Do you read a book or attend a seminar to gain information?  

To be honest, classroom lectures were never my thing. I was not good at studying in a classroom. As I matured, I found out that my textbook was the world. I visited Latin America, Asia and Africa as well as Europe and the United States and felt the world and Japan with my own senses.  

As I watched and studied various business content being broadcast on TV for this project, compared it with what I had seen and experienced, I came to the conclusion that it is not a good idea to start something new in Japan.

Of course, I am indebted to the great entrepreneurs who have succeeded in Japan and their stories and I will apply what I have learned from them in future business developments. 

The beginning: West Africa

Although it is one of the five continents, it cannot be said that Africa stands out as a central entity in history. However, it is also a fact that today, Africa is beginning to attract attention as a stage for business development. Currently, the Chinese government is paying attention, and a lot of funds and human resources are being invested in Africa. 

However, Chinese-style development has not resulted in much better.

At its core, Chinese-style development gives priority to Chinese domestic interests. Given this, I do not see local industries thriving and growing. 


Would you join me in this new frontier? 


Of course, Africa has many challenges. For example: 


・Challenges related to enhancing the employment environment amidst the explosion of the younger population. 

・Issues relating to the need to connect to small countries 

・Challenges related to education and medical care

・Food Issues


I will present three directions need for development. 


1. Development of "labor-intensive forms" as Japan and ASEAN nations have developed. 


2. Process making that utilizes the local human network. 


3. Development of "local industry type" that fosters the local economy by the modernization of agriculture.